- “With reference to the grant contract Europeaid/183647/ID/ACT/AL “Life skills improved through their integration in upper secondary education curricula and careers guidance introduced in the school system” financed under IPA 2022 National Program, an information session will be held by the Contracting Authority (CFCU) on March 17, 09:00 AM. All interested parties are required to register via the provided link, including their full name, surname, and the entity they represent.”
- Guidelines for grant applicants and Call for Proposal Package Europeaid/183647/ID/ACT/AL
- Service Contract Notice – EC-NEAR/TIA/2024/EA-RP/0207 “Support to the establishment of Farm Accountancy Data Network”- financed under IPA 2022 National Program.
- Service Contract Notice – EC-NEAR/TIA/2024/EA-RP/0084 “Support Albanian youth civic participation, community engagement and volunteerism, through promoting inclusive, gender responsive and structured dialogue and strengthening youth capacities at the central and local levels”- financed under IPA 2022 National Program.
- Service Contract Notice – NEAR/TIA/2024/EA-RP/0034 “Support to improve the legal and regulatory framework and capacities for digital connectivity based on the EU acquis”- financed under IPA 2022 National Program
- Service Contract Notice – NEAR/TIA/2024/EA-RP/0035 “Support the implementation of the EU acquis in the rail sector through establishment and capacity building of the required rail authorities and systems” – financed under IPA 2022 National Program.
- Capacity building for the civil servants of the public administration, including trainings/internships in EU members state administrations and scholarship scheme (young cells)
- Western Balkans Trade and Transport Facilitation Project